
Walking with Hidden Strangers

Creating immersive interactive experiences on the web is easy and difficult at the same time. We’ve had a lot of enquiries about the ability to create web-only experiences – i.e….

Who is behind Echoes?

If you’ve ever wondered what things look like behind the scenes at ECHOES, wonder no more. The following is an interview with ECHOES founder Josh Kopeček.


New frontiers: Binaural 3d audio

We have developed an exclusive binaural 3d audio taster with sound by Jeph Vanger. Very excited to open this for all of our members.


Sansâga app by Echoes Labs launches


A big cheer to our first backers! 

We have launched an OpenCollective campaign, and we are very proud to announce our first sponsors: Jeanti St Clair, Leah Barclay, and John Beauchamp! Thank you, folks! This is huge for us and we are immensely grateful!

OpenCollective is a platform that enables fans to fund initiatives close to their hearts directly, It keeps track of budget and expenditures and is completely transparent. So anyone funding our campaigns can see exactly how we are spending our money at any given moment.


Ph.D. Course: 3D 5G Immersive Audio for Urban Outdoor Heritage Contexts

We are very excited to spread the word about the Ph.D. course we're supporting and are heavily involved in.



Music for Trees app by Echoes launches

The Music for Trees project where we stand as the tech partner launched this week, opening with the BBC and Matt Taylor in the Regents Park.


New in: sell your content at Echoes platform

If you would like to start charing for your content, get in touch with us and we will get things rolling for you.


Work in progress: Sansâga mobile app


Soundwalk Sunday 2019

Sound Walk September has been a huge success so far, with people all over the world experiencing sound walks curated by the Museum of Walking. If you would like to search for all the sound walks that are part of this worldwide event, check the map directory.

Having an idea and unsure how to get it off the ground?

Let’s chat and so we can help you get started